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Tag Archives: Parenting

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Rockin’ With Kids

SF Chronicle Datebook Cover Story   Rockin’ With Kids By Erika Milvy The value of mixing  booze and babies was memorably extolled by San Francisco native Christie Mellor, who coined the term “The Three-Martini Playdate.” Her 2004 book mocks uber-moms and micromanaged childhoods and extols

My So-Called Free-Range Childhood

….It’s called “free-range parenting” — or, depending on which side of the mommy wars you’re on, it’s called the worst kind of parenting ever. Now that my daughter is in middle school, I can’t actually believe how free-range my own childhood was. It was Manhattan

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101 TV Shows to See Before You Grow Up

An interactive and comprehensive list of 101 TV shows for families to enjoy together, this book features a wide selection of age-appropriate “must see” TV shows, from popular picks of today to classic shows of decades past. Published by Walter Foster